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Tag: Project Management

How To Develop A Contingency Plan ?

A contingency plan isn’t just exclusively for calamities. Contingency planning, in general, is all about planning and preparing for certain occurrences such as loss or shortages of people, clients, data, budget, and other relevant factors that undermine its subjects. That’s why every existing project or business must have a contingency plan in order to have a smooth workflow and it will be easier tackling issues and threats that way.     The Power of Risk Assessment In every project, a leader must be well-versed with risk management when coming up with a contingency plan. The two aspects must be...

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The Advantages Of Cloud Project Management To Your Business

If you want to succeed, you have to look for ways to constantly improve your organization A-game. In the case of a successful organization, it’s a habit that they always embed in their system. Such habit brings them closer to success and not to mention more opportunities for more innovative ways to stay relevant in the market. In the advent of technology, organizations are making it a point to take advantage of what is being presented to then. Computers, timeframe software, and information tools are since updated along with its functions and benefits. Old-school is nice, but they don’t...

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How to Make Project Kickoff Meetings Worthy of Attention ?

Meetings are perfect gateways for teams to assess the project and help updates the tasks progress. Some find it unnecessary and a waste of time, but organizations these days make it a point to facilitate a meeting for the sake of project success and goal achievements. Project kickoff meetings are one of the alternatives organizations secure for project teams to be able to come into agreement with the plan and procedures. But apparently, just like any other meetings, people believe it’s time-consuming and actually slows down the project. On the other hand,  it speeds up project delivery. It’s a...

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How to Achieve Successful Project Management With Just 8 Simple Steps?

A successful project management is basically out of reach if your project keeps failing and failing and traped in a loophole of unsolved issues and challenges. Not only that, such existing failures cause your team to become uninspired and tasks are nothing but a failed attempt for organizational relevance. As failures add up, the business industry has become a complicated web of industry;  so how can you achieve successful project management out of it? Here’s an eight-step to get you ahead.     Steps to Successful Project Management Achievement :    Make Your Stakeholders and Management Commit A successful project...

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How To Survive Your First Week As A New Project Manager ?

New project managers are basically fledglings of the organization: they’re still learning the trade and are still a little lost in keeping up with their tasks. If you are a new project manager, you must definitely learn how to survive in the business industry.     How To Survive Your First Week As A New Project Manager ? Besides the usual grind of your work that will eventually pile up your desk and schedule, there are people that you need to deal with and a team to manage; easy? Not so much. Below are some tips and tricks to...

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The 5 Simple Project Management Success Factors You Need To Start Using Now

Doing the same thing and encountering the same problem can take its toll in a project and the organization as a whole. They say the repetitive tasks can be quite boring and companies are doing the best they can to come up with innovative ideas to bring not only value and new competitive advantages but a fresh perspective as well. However, even with controlled projects coming and going, organizations still experience the same problem. Why is this the case? Why is it still so difficult to reach project management success? Because the following rudimentary principles that involved a project’s success...

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