How Emotional Intelligence Is Important In Leadership?
What makes a perfect leader? Is it the way he or she interacts with his or her staff? Or is it the way he or she speaks? Some people will tell you that a perfect leader for them is someone who never yells and is composed and civil at the same time. Turns out, people who possess such qualities: the calm exterior and civil manner have enough emotional intelligence in their skill arsenal.
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
People with higher emotional intelligence are aware of their emotions and don’t have a hard time controlling and managing these feelings. They are also aware of how these emotions impact the people around them.
Possessing emotional intelligence is significant towards successful team relationships because—let’s face it—do you think a manager that gives an earful to his or her subordinates epitomizes great leadership? A calm leader who knows how to control his or her temper under pressure is obviously less intimidating than the former.
Emotional intelligence has five key domains and is crucial in leadership, as well as they help a person grow and develop as an effective leader.
Emotional Intelligence Factor #1 – Emphatic
Emphatic leaders have the ability to put themselves in someone’s shoes. Such leaders are good listeners since they have a higher rate of emotional intelligence compared to those who have less tolerance for feelings. They provide assistance on their task in terms of providing feedback and training for those who need it.
Emphatic Development and Improvement
- Put yourself in someone’s shoes: Think of the time when you are in that person’s situation or perspective. This will help you to fully understand your members’ insight and predicament.
- Body language. Never underestimate it: Body language is a powerful tool and just the way you stand conveys what type of person you are. And some gestures can have negative messages toward a person. Even you think it’s a harmless flick of a wrist or crossing of the arms.
- Don’t be insensitive: Always listen to what your subordinates are feeling. Consult them first before assigning to a task—ensure that they are capable of fulfilling it.
Emotional Intelligence Factor #2 – Self-Awareness
It means that you are sure what exactly you are feeling. And that is the sign of a stable emotional intelligence. Being self-aware also means that you are fully aware of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your members.
How to be more self-aware?
- Jot it down: Keep a journal or diary and write your own way on how to be more self-aware. You can always start with what you are thinking of the moment—this will boost your self-awareness and even help you come up with surprising ways to improve them.
- Practice control: Some people let their temper fly all over the place when they’re angry or upset. Don’t be that type of leader. People who have high emotional intelligence know how to control their emotions and are always calm during stressful scenarios. When you are feeling that you are going to explode because the project didn’t turn out the way you wanted, or one of your team members’s messed up his or her assigned task, take a deep breath and retreat to a dark room to gather your composure.
Emotional Intelligence Factor #3 – Social and Interpersonal Skills
Leaders who can work up a room full of people have strong emotional intelligence and communication skills. Some of them are gifted with the power of persuasion and they use it for various advantages such as motivating the team or doing business deals with prospective clients.
They also manage to settle disputes in a civil manner without resorting to aggressive methods. They ensure that such conflicts are resolved before moving forward to the task at hand.
How to be more skilled in the social aspect?
- School yourself with conflict management: Learn how to be the ultimate effective peacemaker regarding disputes within the team or clients. Leaders are expected to be skilled in this area.
- Enhance your communication skills: Consult an expert or take extra classes or training in order to be the best communicator all around.
- Sing praises to your members: Boost or build your team’s loyalty by showing appreciation for their ideas and contribution. Always complement them to a job well done.
Emotional Intelligence Factor #4 – Motivation
Motivated leaders are always on the go when it comes to a achieving their goals and fulfilling their regular tasks. They don’t back down on drawbacks and challenges and instill the same sense of motivation to their team members.
How to stay or be motivated?
- Reevaluate your purpose: Ask yourself, “why am I here? Why am I doing these certain tasks?” Motivated leaders know their passion and once they found it in their workplace, they always keep in mind to assess themselves to help them keep track and be on top of things.
- Be an optimist: No one wants leaders who are play was bog down by negative thinking and pessimistic attitudes. Always encourage your members by being positive with the challenges that come your way. Let them know that you can surpass these hurdles together with a dash of good faith and full on teamwork.
Emotional Intelligence Factor #5 – Self-regulation
Emotional intelligence also includes self-regulation—knowing to refrain from backstabbing or spouting verbal abuse in someone’s way. A leader who’s highlight of the day is to typecast or insult people lack self-regulation or even emotional intelligence doesn’t deserved to be an effective and good leader. One must stay grounded while on top.
Self-regulate More
- Mind your ethics and values: Everyone needs to have their own set of values and ethics when they work in any type of environment. Of course, no one will entirely agree with your principles, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice them in order to be liked. It’s more likely you will make the right decisions when faced with consequences.
- Be responsible: Refrain from pointing the finger of blame towards others. When a blunder occurs within your team and project, you have to own up to it. The damage is already done and instead of blaming someone, gather your dignity and hold yourself liable.
- Contain yourself: It will be harder if you are making a decision when you are on verge of a panic attack. People have a difficult time thinking if they are not calm. Yelling at someone is not the best method to get that calm doing. If you have a hard time doing breathing exercises or meditation, jot down all the negative emotions that you usually throw around—then crumple the paper into a ball and throw it. It means that you are eliminating these negativities away from your system or good.
To become an effective leader, you need to understand your emotions and its effect on the people and in your line of work. One of the important factors of emotional intelligence is to be in touch with your emotions towards a successful growth—not only for yourself—but for your team as well.

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