How to Improve your Communication Skills?
Communication is building connections with other people. It could be in a form of oral conversations or written letters. In some cases, people communicate non-verbally, through facial expressions, gestures, posture and proximity. People are expected to communicate with one another to have networks and have access to information they could possibly need. Though conflicts may arise anytime, these are solved through effective communication.
The Main Skills for Effective Communication
Becoming an effective communicator is not an easy task because you need to acquire and master the skills. You should know how to listen first, and not just hear. You should know how to process what you have heard or read before reacting to it.
Before you speak, you should know how to manage your tone of voice, the way you choose words and the way you move your body, because body language speaks a lot more than what comes out from your mouth.
Staying Focused
Getting off- tangent form the topic may bring confusion and vagueness to the real concept of the conversation. When a discussion goes out of the topic, it may become complicated and may bring disagreements or misunderstandings. One of the skills that a person should possess is learning how to stay focused on the topic. Spontaneity is also needed to support ideas and to keep the conversation going.
Listening Carefully
Listen to what the other person is saying before you actually speak. Do not just hear the words but rather interpret it. If there are unclear thoughts or something is bugging you, make clarifications. You may emphasize your point by reiterating what you just said.
Understanding Other’s Point of View
Instead of talking a lot, try to figure out what the other person is telling you. The conversation is not all about you, but a two way street. Explain your point of view in a polite manner and avoid speaking when emotional.
Taking Ownership
It takes courage to speak up, but it takes more courage when you know how to admit your mistake. Showing maturity during conversation will build trust and companionship. Trying to win an argument does not make any sense when you feel bad after having a heated conversation. Communication is intended to build bridges, not to burn them. If it is something you really cannot take, try to take a break during the discussion and go back when you have cleared your mind.
Compete for you Objective
Stand for what you are fighting for. This does not mean to be disrespectful, but being firm for what you believe in without hurting someone’s feelings.
Ask for Help
Do not hesitate to ask for help when needed. Reaching out to other people may be difficult especially if you are new to the company. Asking for help from your manager may be a good idea.
Effective communication plays a vital role in achieving your goals. A person who has the good communication skills is able to negotiate what he wants- be it career growth or personal growth. Being assertive of what you want will help other people realize what they do not see and understand.

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