Excellent Ways to handle Conflicts !!!
Conflicts are expected to occur even when things seem to be going fine. It is inevitable in an organization consists of different individuals, with different personalities, skills and attitudes. Some disagreements or arguments may arise due to dissimilar beliefs or simply because the goals of the company on a particular project are not achieved.
Though brainstorming happens in meetings and some problems are foreseen, there is a tendency that an issue may pop out from somewhere. These unexpected and unanticipated problems serve as a big challenge to the people in charge of the team and situation within an organization. It is the duty of the project managers and directors to take control of the situation, requiring them to put everything back on the right track.
Conflict Management Actions to Avoid
Prioritizing personal gain and egoistic attitude will ruin the harmony within the company. When a project manager focuses on his personal growth and neglects his employees, it leads to dismay and unhealthy relationships. In addition, poor management strategies on handling people, resources and time may affect how the employees feel about the company’s ability to support and train people. If a project manager avoids taking responsibilities and passing it on the other may hamper the quality of the decision being made, making him seem to be lazy or being negligent.
Conflict Management Actions to Adopt
Successful organizations provide a well-planned set of rules and policies, ensuring that possible conflicts will be handled properly. Keeping project records and proper documentation of events help the company to improve its goals and vision.
A company is expected to hold meetings for constant getting of feedback and gathering the employees to air their concerns and resolve it in a professional manner. More so, by providing accurate information to the stakeholders gives a clear cut definition on how the company is shaping its future. It gives assurance on the part of the employees that their hard work will go somewhere.
Handling Conflicts Methods
Project managers handle conflict in four ways: fight, flight, fake or fold. Fight is when the other party banter with another to show superiority. This happens when the other is trying to intimidate another by saying harsh words and labeling. On the other hand, flight is running away from the problem, expecting it to get resolved without any effort. The person tries to avoid confrontation because of poor communication skills. Faking is when trying to appear truthful, when in fact, it is the opposite. Lastly, folding is when someone is trying to bully or intimidate someone through actions and words. However, these techniques are considered to be inappropriate and ineffective as it may result to a deeper misunderstanding among people.
Steps in Conflict Management
- Identify and analyze cause of the problem.
- Conduct dialogue with the parties involve and seek help for arriving at solutions.
- Encourage understanding and acceptance of individual differences.
- Choose the most appropriate solution to the problem.
Conflicts must be handled and addressed properly. A contingency plan can be made when unexpected problem arises. A project manager must be equipped and knowledgeable enough to employ different approaches on how to resolve conflicts in the workplace.

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