The Best of the Project Methodologies
Project Management Methodology is very essential in a managing a business, because it can reduce the risks and instability in the management. It is also the easiest and simplest method to guide the management team through development and accomplishment of the parts, processes and duties throughout the project management cycle. The project managers then hire employees to do designs, planning and implementation and achievement of the management’s project objectives. More so, project methodologies also provide tools to make the duty and job of the project manager become easier.
Project Methodologies come into variety and may include:
- Adaptive Project Framework-is a tool that can be used not only to change the system, but also to know something about the system. The project scope in this methodology is changeable, while the time and the price of the project is persistent. The project scope can be adjusted to get the highest value of business from their project.
- Some companies also use the Agile Software Development for projects that need great agility requirements. The Agile key features are short-termed delivery cycles, less restrictive control on the project, and importance of real-time communication. This methodology is also a term for processes and practices about the values and principles expressed in Agile Manifesto.
- Other than processes, Crystal method is giving more attention on the team’s communication: the members’ abilities and the employees’ interaction. This method comes below the agile category. This also promotes advance, frequent delivery of software, good user involvement, versatility and removal of confusion.
- Other companies also prefer Dynamic Systems Development Method, this fixes cost, condition and time at the outset. This method is also the subgroup of agile software development methodology boasts about the practices and files that support what the methodology have. The procedure asserts more on active user that is included during the project cycle.
- Extreme Programming can make the cost of the requirements low, changes the main reason or objective of the extreme programing. XP gives priority on the fine scale feedback, continuous methods, shared ideas and understanding and the programmer’s prosperity. There is no detailed requirements specification and software architecture built. On the other hand, Feature Driven Development is giving more attention on simple and well defined methods, short iterative and the details driven deliver cycles. All the ideas and implementation in this kind of project takes place on situated features.
- Most companies nowadays prefer the use of modern technology and Information Technology Infrastructure Library is a group of practices in a project management which covers a deep aspect of the project management which begins from the organizational management level.
- While Joint Application Development includes the client from early stages along the project tasks and gives priority to this collaboratively to get the contribution of the client that hold. This methodology system is basically used for giving design in a computer-based system.
- Lean Development is known as the manufacturing and producing practice that concludes the expenditures of the references for some goal than the creation of value for the end customer to be careless, and targeting the elimination.
- PRINCE2® is the acronym for Projects in Controlled Environments. This compresses the condition of the management, control and organization of a project with firmness and review to an arranged project objectives.
- Rapid Application Development is giving more attention to develop products faster with good quality. Prototyping were used in getting clear requirements and the software can use again the components to increase the developmental timelines.
- But, Rational Unified Process tries to get all the good aspects of the modern software development methodologies and offer them in a one package.
- Another important methodology is the Scrum. This is a iterative agile software development framework in controlling development of products. Its main goal is to enhance the project team’s productivity greatly by removing every possible stress. This is also a development model based on various small teams that works together in an accelerated and interconnected manner.
- Spiral is a risk-driven model generator in software projects. It is an extended waterfall model with prototyping. The spiral model guides the management team to get the elements of one or more models. This method is more likely to use that the waterfall model in making large projects. To compare, Systems development cycle manages the level of complexity, rapid protyping, incremental and synchronized and stabilizes.
- Waterfall is a continuous or arranged design process. It is commonly used in implementing software processes. The progress is seen as flowing downwards (like a waterfall). This is used through the phases of conceptualizing, initiating, analyzing, testing, constructing, designing, developing and maintenance.
There should be factors and information that the manager should consider in choosing a methodology to apply. The project manager should have an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology to be used. The project manager should follow the most accurate and most suitable for the project.

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